Depression is a common, often undertreated mental health for children and adolescents across the country. Front line treatments are well known, and include: various forms and types of psychotherapies (individual and/or family, DBT, IPT, etc.), medications such as the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), selective norepinephrine uptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and others, and various supportive interventions, […]
A Tale of Two Cities: Pandemic Impact on Alcohol Use in Adult and the Pandemic Impact on Adolescents 4/2/2021
The impact of the pandemic on mental well-being across the world and across all age groups has been stark, though the resiliency of most persons is also of note. Clearly the disruptive impacts of the pandemic have been powerful, most particularly for those more vulnerable to becoming infected and those (e.g., elderly, co-morbidly ill, the […]
Addressing Social Determinants of Health on Children’s Mental Health 3/25/2021
The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes the pervasive effects of systemic racism (Trent et al, 2019) on the health of children and others, most particularly, their mothers, but not excluding fathers. The more we know about the impacts of racism on child development, the more we can tackle the problems head on. A recent review […]
Evaluating for & Treating ADHD in Preschool Children 3/18/2021
The diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming increasingly prevalent, in part because of better assessments, but also in part because of misdiagnosis and jumping too early to diagnose. The effect is that the diagnosis of ADHD is being given at younger and younger ages. This leads to the question of the best […]
Occupational Therapy for Children and Youth with Mental Health Conditions 3/12/2021
With an eye toward issues of prevention and resiliency, but also with a view toward the challenges with recovery and inclusion, today’s E-Weekly explores the roles that occupational therapy and related activities may play in enhancing rehabilitation and adaptation for individuals with developmental and behavioral health disorders. The old adage that “if the only tool […]
Treatment Options for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Advantages and Disadvantages 3/5/2021
The following chart provides a helpful review guide of the advantages and disadvantages of various agents and therapies for treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorders.. Type of Treatment Advantages Disadvantages Psychological Therapies & Counseling All patients should be referred for evaluation and/or on-going psychotherapeutic treatment. Can be provided in concurrence with appropriate medications. Recommend first-line treatment […]
Drug Interactions Between Psychotropic Medications and Contraceptives 2/25/2021
Contraceptives are commonly used in women of childbearing age, many of who are also taking psychotropic medications for mental health concerns. It is important to be aware of the interactions between contraceptives and certain psychotropic medications as well as the psychiatric side effects of contraceptives themselves. Contraceptives have synthetic estrogen, progesterone or a combination of […]
Assessment & Treatment of ADHD in Adults 2/19/2021
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects about 1/3 of adults who had ADHD in childhood. It can be difficult to diagnose because of the overlap in symptoms of adult ADHD with depression, anxiety and substance abuse, and because of challenges in obtaining observational data beyond the patient’s self-report of symptoms. It is of note that studies of […]
Update on Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder: DMDD 2/11/2021
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) is one of the new diagnoses included in the current DSM V manual and it is generally seen as a helpful diagnosis to fill a gap for many children presenting with complex psychiatric symptom profiles involving severe emotional and behavioral dysregulation and disruption. It can be particularly helpful for youth […]
What Now? Management Strategies when a Suicide Screen is Positive 2/5/2021
Last week’s newsletter encouraged readers dealing with teenagers to conduct a screening inquiry for suicidality, noting the rationale for inquiry and the resistance most of us feel about opening a potential Pandora’s box. This week’s article pulls from prior newsletters and from feedback from readers to speak to the “What Now?” of suicide screening— discussing […]