When a child or adolescent reports “I hear voices”, it naturally causes concern for parents and healthcare clinicians alike. The immediate question is “what is the cause”? This, followed by “what to do about it?” An optimal approach to assessing “voices” in youth includes a culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, and family-centered philosophy. The metaphysical experience of […]

Recognizing and Responding to Psychotic Disorders in Pediatric Primary Care: Part 2

Our last newsletter introduced the issue of recognizing and responding to psychotic symptomatology in primary care pediatrics and noted the potential pivotal role that early recognition plays in offering opportunity to refer for treatment, in both the short term and with an eye to the potential lifelong consequences for afflicted individuals.   Today’s focus will provide […]

Recognizing and Responding to Psychotic Disorders in Pediatric Primary Care 12/10/2021

Introduction While typically way beyond the scope of general pediatric practice, the primary care pediatrician can play a critical role in early identification and appropriate referral of patients with psychotic disorders. This is the first of a series of newsletters exploring this important clinical concern. What is Psychosis? Psychosis is characterized by impairments in thought, […]

Stimulants, Psychosis, and Stressors 5/7/2021

ADHD is a common neurobiological condition among school-age children (Wolraich et al., 2019). The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends primary care providers treat ADHD in school age youth 1) with referrals to evidence supported psychosocial treatment (such as Parent Training In Behavior Management) or other outpatient individual, family and group educational and treatment interventions, and […]